Spring 2010: Here I Come!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm going to start my last semester of college in two days. Goodness gracious. I won't even start on the uneasiness of uncertainties that thought brings. Instead, I'm going to focus on some highlights of the past 3.5 years at Winthrop University and all it entailed. Here are some things I never thought I would do or would happen to me:

  1. One of my best friends would be on the girls' basketball team. I love my girl Lacey, my LOST watching partner, and I'm so glad she transfered from Coastal Carolina! Actually, I'm friends with several girls on the team. I don't think this would really be possible at a large school and I'm really thankful for my friendship with these girls. They're awesome!
  2. I'd actually become a basketball fan. See #1 on this. Coming into WU, basketball was one of the sports I knew the least about, but ended up watching the most. I'm still a loyal guys fans. Still :)
  3. I'd travel the world! On two (make it three in March) separate occasions. Italy, France and Amsterdam on the first go-round and England on the second. This is the girl that used to get "sick" at sleepovers. I got myself to leave the usual and loved it. A new love for the world, its culture, people and news. By far the best experiences of my life.
  4. I'd get to worship our Creator with 20,000 other college students in one room at one time. Wow. Passion- you are wonderful. Thank you for allowing me to do this.
  5. I'd change my major. I thought I would beat the statistic and stay the same all 4 years. After all, I basically ended up at WU just to major in journalism (a last minute, but solid decision). There are times when I wish I would have stayed with journalism and not changed to Integrated Marketing Communication, but the two are very similar. Besides, what would I do with Jennifer Carlyle by my side, Sarow and the Frenchies!
  6. I'd have friends all over the world! France, Germany, England, Ireland. Thank you WU for being so diverse.
  7. I'd go to a megachurch. Haha, I never would have pictured myself at one. When I started going to Elevation there were only about 400 attending. Now there are about 6000+ I couldn't begin to describe how God grew me through this church. Whew. If I leave the Charlotte area after graduation, this will be at the top of the list for things missed. At least they have that online service now.
  8. I'd go to a billion concerts. I mean, I knew I was a concert junkie, but wow, I went to a ton. Thanks to my concert buddy Aimee West, we attended as many as possible. Notables: Switchfoot, The Fray, Mute Math, Derek Webb.
  9. I'd have the absolute best, most amazing, hilarious, adventurous friends in the entire world. FCA leadership- I don't know what I'd do without these guys and gals. They rock. They push me to do better. I am so glad to be on a team with them. All of my roomates- I'll never laugh as much with anyone. The most fun ever. I love them all. I keep our memories close to my heart. None compare to yall.
  10. I'd find myself not wanting to graduate. I love it here. I love Winthrop, FCA, Charlotte (NODA-I will deeply miss you!), my crazy amazing friends. I don't want to leave it all. Not yet. They all mean too much to me.
So that's it for now. There are a billion more things I could write about and I'm so thankful for that.

These next few months are going to bring a variety of changes and emotions. I hope I'm ready.