Arty Heart

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I’m going to start a new series (because I’ve been so faithful to the one established series I have already…). I’ve been told I have an “arty heart” and I love that. I think I’ve discovered what exactly has caused this and what it’s causing me to do. 

First, what caused it:

  • My dad used to play the “who sings this?” game while riding in the car with him. I think I started to appreciate all types of music at that point.
  • Then, in the 2nd grade, I decided I wanted to take piano lessons. I did and didn’t stop until I graduated high school. I loved it. I almost majored in it, but after a lot of thought, I discovered playing the piano was something I just did for me (the nauseous stomach before every festival or recital led me to this decision).
  • My mom always did crafts with me. We had a “make it” closet filled with random items that put together in the right way created something unique. She also planned amazing birthday parties for me that always involved making something and using our creative sides.
  • I took dance lessons for a couple years. I wasn’t the greatest, but I had fun.
  • And then, from 6th to 8th grade, I attended Humanities Middle School. It was a smaller public school that students had to apply to. It integrated arts into every class. I mummified oranges, made Faberge eggs, became Nefertiti in a wax museum, helped create a magazine, made paper, quilted, created replicas of old historical buildings, painted under tables while laying on our backs just like Michelangelo may have with the Sistine Chapel, etc. I wish I could remember everything that we did there because I think all of it was pretty great.
What it has caused me to do:

  • Spend hours in art museums. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel and look at some of the masterpiece’s of the world. The Llouve in Paris, the statue of David in Florence, Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, MoMA & MET in NYC, every Smithsonian in DC, and various ones we stumbled across in London.
  • Love architecture. I love brand new modern buildings. I love old buildings. I love skylines. I’m fascinated with them. I think having a long family history of brick-laying doesn’t hurt this love either.
  • Became a concert junkie. I love music. I’m obsessed with it. I love finding new bands that haven’t quite hit the big-time yet and telling people about them. I would go to a concert every day if possible.
  • Interested in photography. I’ve always taken a lot of pictures and posted them everywhere. This past semester I took a photography class, which just fueled the fire. I think I’m decent at it.
  • Do crafty things. Make a magazine mirror, bracelet, whatever, I’ll do it.
  • Watch any broadway/dance/musical. I’m a fan. Check out ‘In The Heights.’ It rocks.
  • Love to travel. Discovering new cultures and the variety of art it brings is pretty exciting for me.

I’m sure that’s not the entire list of what this arty heart has caused me to do, but you get the gist.

So, on to the series. This is what I’m thinking…I don’t have a specific day for it, so it’ll be sporadic. “Arty Heart” entries will contain any type of art that I’ve come across that I want to share with you: A cool building, picture, museum, artist, painting, music (I’ll try to keep this and Tune Tuesday separate), or even a craft. I hope you enjoy it and your heart becomes a little arty in the process.




Anonymous said...

You have great interior decorating "arty heart"